AKG WMS45S-A €352.00 €276.00 -€76.00 En stock Wireless system with headband microphone C544L. Battery powered for the box and mains powered for the receiver. 10 hours of battery life.
AKG D40 €123.00 €104.00 -€19.00 Cardioid dynamic microphone for instruments. Ideal for percussive, wind instruments and guitar amp covers.
AUDIOPOLE At 121 MP €295.00 Amplified mixer for public use type address. 5 inputs, MP3 player via USB or SD card, 120W amplification.
AKG WMS45I-A €275.00 €210.00 -€65.00 Wireless instrument system including PT45 bodypack transmitter and receiver. Battery powered for the box and mains powered for the receiver. 10 hours of battery life.